Get some rest

One of those days. Nothing went right in office, and by lunchtime, I had a sinusitis to kill me. Went home.

Still no pictures of the kittens, though they have now been moved into a secure and shaded balcony where the dog can’t get at them, but the cat can. They are getting more adventurous by the minute, and it won’t be long before they figure out a way move out of the secure haven they are in now.

Judo seems to have resigned himself to his fate for the moment, and in any case – it is far too hot to chase cats and kittens around.

A little project I have been working on hit a roadblock when something that I had hoped would happen this weekend didn’t. Life sux.

Tomorrow is finally RW-day – Roger Waters hits town in all his glory. I suspect life will never be the same.

Mrinal, Gopi and me were in splurge mode, so we have tickets for up front, the “Blow your eardrums and your mind” 2500 bucks class. Reading the reviews of the tour so far, it is clear that we are in for a treat. A review of the show will appear here on Sunday.

To get warmed up, Mrinal, Gaurav and me are planning a minor jam session tomorrow morning. Would have been a major jam session had everything else worked out, but it didn’t.

OK, time to get some rest. With young girls poking fun at us hapless middle-aged guys, we need all the rest we can get. :-(