
I am busy as hell with getting ready for the Exocore Professional Linux Administrator Workshop that starts on the 18th.

We have been in office every night till around 5 a.m., and back to work by lunchtime, working on various EPLAWS related things.

Lots of client related work as well.

Was pleased to see that Tally finally released their Linux port of their package. This is going to make a major difference, and I am glad that we are involved.

Yahoogroups is heading for a publicity nightmare, as dozens of moderators I know (me included) are getting ready to make a public statement about the issues that have plagued Yahoogroups for close to a year now. The groups have in effect become unusable, with less than 50% of subscribers actually receiving mail from their lists or being able to post to them.

More on this once it hits Slashdot and other places.

The final piece of news comes to you from the HoneyTheCat department – our promiscuous feline got pregnant again, and two nights ago delivered four little kittens in Shubha’s sari shelf. Mother and kittens are fine – three orange ones and one black one. Genders to be determined.

“Ungle” Judo was less than thrilled.