Mix and match – DC at work

Remember me talking about friend DC in a recent diary entry?

Well, today Mrinal, Gaurav and me went to leach his brain. ;-)

At hand was the mastering of the Phenom recordings from their performance at LB/2002.

So we met up at 11:30am today near DC’s place in Banashankari, and the master got to work.

About 7 hours later, we staggered out of his studio, beat but elated – we had managed to complete the mastering of precisely *one* song in that period, but *MAN* did we learn tons of stuff in the process? I took pictures, and made notes – one numbers article coming up soonish. ;-)

Mrinal and DC are now going to sit on the mastering of the remaining songs, which we will (hopefully) be able to assemble into a CD (the quality is definitely good enough) that we can then offer broadcasters, as well as make available for download.

I am thrilled to bits to see this project come together so well!

And I am major grateful to DC for spending so much time on this. It was only when we finished for the day that we realised just how much his time is worth (we got sneak previews of stuff he was working on) – having someone like him doing the mastering is Christmas come early!

Tomorrow (Sunday) I am going out of town for a quick trip to new Delhi for a meeting with the Government of India about their formal Linux/OpenSource policy formulation – something I have been working on for years, and am finally seeing happening. More about it when I get back on Tuesday.

BTW – Tuesday is Christmas for us (in Germany, where I was born and grew up, Christmas is celebrated on December 24th). Sadly, we are stuck in Bangalore this year, and most of our friends are all out of town. That sucks.