Phenom – A Little Step

Am sitting here in my hall at home, listening to Phenom‘s latest composition – “A Little Step” – a song that is very different from stuff they have done before, and I *really* like it. The recording is being published as well – making it the first Phenom recording making it to the market. Yay!

This group is really shaping up nicely. They are slowly shedding their “influences” and are beginning to to develop their own unique and recognisable style – something any group should strive for. “A little step” is their fourth “own composition”, and more are on the way. Hopefully, we will see a complete Phenomenal CD soon.

Will have to ask these guys to put up the MP3 ASAP. If they do, will post an update in this entry, and also keep an eye on their site.

[Update] MP3 can now be downloaded from here.