22 again

Today is my birthday.

While most people wishing me like to (at least jokingly) focus on my age, they seem to miss the fact that I am just 22 for the second time. :)

I had a blast these past two days, attending two excellently performed Phenom shows – one on Saturday (Unwind Center) and the other on Sunday (KSLTA, to help Sania Mirza get into the mood to beat her opponents), eating real German cheesecake, watching 1966 first season StarTrek episodes (man – those miniskirts were *awesome*!), and more.

Eat your hearts out, you old guys hobbling around at 25 and 30, with splints and aches and work-commitments! ;)

Speaking of work – there will be another post later today that addresses some stuff I have been hinting at for a while now.

Stay tuned.