FOSS.IN/2006 Talks and Keynote

We have just released the FOSS.IN/2006 talks schedule, go have a look it:

There are a few intentional gaps in there which will be filled out in the next day.

This schedule also reveals our opening keynote speaker – the only person we have had in mind for this slot for the past year.

Suparna Bhattacharya is one of India’s most respected Linux kernel developers, and she is an Indian, working in India, contributing to the FOSS world. She is everything FOSS.IN stands for, and we are proud to have her giving the opening keynote address of FOSS.IN/2006. No one on earth is better qualified.

When she stands up to give her talk, remember that not only is she everything that FOSS.IN wants to achieve (FOSS contributors from India), but that by standing there, she proves that it can be done.

Oh, and if you want to be a volunteer for FOSS.IN, then you have to be at the volunteer meet on the 19th November (Sunday). Details here.

Few days left for the event – I am sure you have registered as a delegate by now. You have, right?