Woke up earlier than usual today, and lay in bed reading mail and my feeds on BlogLines on my PDA.
A long-time blog I have been following is that of the guy who got me into keeping an online diary in first place (I refuse to call it a blog) – Wil Wheaton – blogger extraordinaire, great writer and fantastic human being over all. And oh yes, Ensign Wesley Crusher from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
When Wil says something is worth reading, I usually take his advice, especially since his reading tastes (and software tastes – he is a Linux user) closely resemble my own.
This morning, he pointed us at a story by Cory Doctorow called When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth.
He claimed to have read it through in one go, which is a tall claim these days – no one writes that well anymore.
I was wrong.
I read the story through in one go, beginning to end, no stops. Before I even had my first coffee of the day.
This is truly a story written for people of today. Every sysadmin is going to love it.