My first column can now be read in DataQuest (May 15th issue). The layout is still a bit raw, but that should change when the next appears.
Reader feedback was amazingly positive. I especially likes this one:
“I loved the complete change of pace for a mag like dq — it was refreshing to read something so differently written. Can’t wait for the next one! And I am inspired — am now seriously looking at getting myself a PDA. I always thought of PDAs as expensive ‘Digital Diaries’ — thanks for clearing that up for me!”
The same reader also complained about no direct contact info in the article, but was tickled when he googled for information and found it first shot.
Am busy as a beaver preparing for the Exocore Practical Linux Administrator Workshop that happens on June 3rd (i.e. next Thursday). We have some really cool stuff lined up that will definitely make things easier for people deploying services on their networks. The single biggest information request we get via the website and in email seems to be “how do I set up spam and virus filtering?” We hadn’t covered that the last time we did this workshop, but this time it is a big item on our agenda.
We are also adding all sorts to required goodies to the Fedora Core 2 CD set that is part of the courseware, so people won’t have to start hunting around for things – everything will available right there on the CDs.
This evening is the Bangalore Linux User group meet, where I am also doing a small session on Fedora Core 2. See you there!