Posts filed under “Personal”
In Pune this weekend
I will be in Pune this weekend to give two talks: “The Business of Open Source” at the Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication (SIMC) on Saturday, the 28th of March. This talk addresses how Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) influences and drives businesses today, and how people can get involved in the process. [...]
Input needed: FOSS.IN/2009 Dates
If you are interested in participating in FOSS.IN this year, you may have a chance to decide when the event takes place. Check out out this post, where Team FOSS.IN is trying to get a fair fix on a set of dates for this year’s event.
Talks this weekend
On Friday, the 23rd of Jan, I will be giving a talk at, *the* event for Indian startup companies. I have been closely associated with since the first event (this is the fifth one), and over time, this event has become as important to the Indian startup world as my other baby (FOSS.IN) [...]
Goodbye, Father-in-law
Mahadev Y. Deshpande You have left behind A sun and three shining stars Who will miss you forever As we all will Goodbye, Father-in-Law Thank you for the precious gift you gave me
The need to learn (Why Hackers rule my world)
Hello from Berlin, Germany, where I will attend the world’s largest congregation of hackers and technology enthusiasts – the 25th Chaos Communication Congress (25C3), which runs from the 27th to the 30th of December. Shortly before I left, someone asked me a very curious question, which could be paraphrased like this: “Why do you attend [...]
New Theme Song :)
Every now and then, I pick a song that defines my state of mind, or whatever I am doing. Over the years, this has been The Scorpions’ “Wind of Change”, but right now, I am getting more aggressive about things. So, to totally annoy at least one person who hates all things 80s and 90s, [...]
FOSS.IN/2008 starts tomorrow
This is it, folks, your last heads-up: FOSS.IN/2008, India’s best known, much awaited, Free and Open Source Software event, begins tomorrow morning (Tuesday, 25th November), at the National Science Symposium Center (JN Tata Auditorium), Indian Institute of Science (aka Tata Institute), in Bangalore, and goes on till Saturday, the 29th of November. Tomorrow morning’s opening [...]
The FOSS.IN Promo Video
It is not often that I get dragged into something like this, but the team felt it was time to raise the bar, so here it is – the first ever promotional video for FOSS.IN.
Understanding FOSS.IN/2008
While we have been working hard in the background to bring the event to life, it looks like a few FUD (Fear-Uncertanity-Doubt) jockeys have been having a field day spreading wrong information about what the event is all about. Normally, we ignore this kind of stuff, but I think a bit of clarification is in [...]
Wind of Change – Part III
As several of you have noticed, I have been fairly quiet (some say – invisible) over the past month. So I think an update on life is in order, before the rumour-mongers have a field day, and the price of tinfoil hats shoots up with the demand. I have been at home most of October, [...]