Posts filed under “Personal”
The Christmas Report
Ah well, it’s Christmas. Joy to the world, peace and harmony to all! It’s been an unusual one for me this year. After the unbelievable success of FOSS.IN/2007, I went from high-frantic-activity-mode to almost completely comatose in a matter of days. Instead of the planned short and much needed holiday to Goa that I had [...]
Slipping through my fingers…
Today is my daughter Geetanjali’s last day of attending classes at the school she has been in for the past 14 years. We saw her off at the bus stop, just as we did on the first day all those years ago, when she joined that quaint little school in the middle of nowhere, which [...]
FOSS.IN Posters (and more)
Someone pointed out that everyone is writing about the FOSS.IN posters in their blogs and journals – except me. Well, every year, Team FOSS.IN brings out some promotional posters for the event. This year, we decided to focus on people and a message – the message being that one should contribute to FOSS. And as [...]
FOSS.IN/2007 Updates
Some updates from the FOSS.IN trenches – Delegate registration is now open here. – Volunteer registration is now open here. – Posters released here – thanks, Hari! And the fun is beginning to escalate – tons of people are actively planning activities for the event. Lightning Talks, BoFs, Corridor Meets, Stickers, T-shirts, FOSS project stalls, [...]
How to pronounce FOSS.IN
We just posted this on the FOSS.IN/2007 site, but I thought I’d post this in my journal as well, since not everyone is subscribed to the FOSS.IN RSS Feed: We simply *have* to put out this post before we go completely nuts! Throughout the year, we run into people who talk about the event, but [...]
FOSS.IN/2007: The first list (and why it is so hard)
If you have been following the FOSS.IN/2007 saga, you know that we chose to do a CfP Restart rather than compromise on the objectives of the event. The CfP finally closed on October 20th, and we have been spending the past week weeding through 300 talk submissions, choosing talks that were closest to what we [...]
FOSS.IN/2007: 48 hours left for talk submission
We have about 48 hours left before talk submission for FOSS.IN/2007 finally closes. At this point, I *still* have people asking me what kind of talk they should submit, or whether they should. Rather than say it myself, I will point you a post I made last year, which referred to Rusty Russel’s fabulous post. [...]
FOSS.IN/2007 – Talk Submissions close 20-Oct
If you plan to submit a talk to FOSS.IN/2007, please note that talk submissions close THIS SATURDAY, 20TH OF OCTOBER, at 23:59 GMT+0530. So go here, make sure that you have read the Call for Participation, and submit your talks! At 00:00am on Sunday morning, it will be too late.
FOSS.IN/2007: For those who came in late…
For those who came in late (or were just living under a rock for a while): FOSS.IN in India’s largest and probably best known Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) conferences, and is now spoken about as one of the the four primary, grassroot-level FOSS conferences in the world, the other three being being, [...]
Special treatment, and FOSS.IN
OK, so I had it up to here with some of the mails I have been getting, with people asking whether they have to submit talks to FOSS.IN/2007 or whether (implied) they are big and famous enough to get selected directly, or whether they will be given keynotes, etc. Here is my reply. FOSS.IN focuses [...]