Posts filed under “Uncategorized”

FOSS.IN/2006 Talks – First Shortlist

Today, we released the first shortlist of FOSS.IN/2006 talks, selected from more than 200 submissions. You can see the list here. Pay close attention to the text before the list – it explains why this list is not yet complete, and why some talks are still missing. Also, note that this is a list of [...]

FOSS.IN/2006 Talks Submission closing!

For all those of you who have either forgotten about it, or are hoping that the date will extended: The talks submission for FOSS.IN/2006 closes tomorrow (Sunday, October 8th) at 23:59 GMT+0530. And no, the date won’t be extended, and no, we won’t take into account that you are in a different timezone, and no, [...]

Back in India, jampacked schedule

My last few days in Germany were packed with excitement, and I will write about those in another entry. After successfully avoiding a 180 euros excess baggage penalty (by offloading clothes in favour of bitter chocolate and salami), I returned to Bangalore on Tuesday night (well, actually Wednesday morning). Once here, I immediately got thrown [...]

New kid on the block: MunduRadio! :)

When I joined Geodesic back in June, lots of people asked me “So what does Geodesic do?” Time to answer that question. Geodesic is in the communication and collaboration space, but not on the PC (at least not primarily), but on mobile platforms. And we aren’t absent from the PC platform either – if you [...]

Recap of Wizards of OS 4

So I had at the time of my life at Wizards of OS 4, just as expected. Great panel discussions, great conversations, old friends, new friends… this event had it all. I am really glad that I made it here. The thing that amazes me the most is the fantastic team that puts this event [...]

FOSS.IN/2006 Website and CfP online!

The FOSS.IN/2006 website is now up and the Call for Participation is online as well. So if you want to participate in this year’s event, get there, read the CfP, and get your abstracts ready – speaker registration starts in a day or two.

In Berlin

I made it safely to Berlin, after reaching Chennai on Monday night, grabbing my passport from my travel agent’s guy there, and sprinting to the international airport to catch my flight to Frankfurt. I checked in, and knowing how hassled the counter staff is usually with people giving them insufficient documents, badly arranged, etc, had [...]

Going Home…

In a rather rapid and surprising turn of events, I find myself frantically packing my bags, as I prepare to leave for Berlin, Germany – tonight. I will be speaking at Wizards of OS and elsewhere, and following up on a number of work related things as well. I expect to be out for a [...]

BlogCamp 2006, Chennai

I am currently in Chennai, at BlogCamp – India’s first ever conference on blogging. After almost *not* making it (Air Deccan sms’s me at 10pm, saying that my flight at 8am today would only leave after 11am), I landed up just a few minutes late, to see a huge crowd of people in a big [...]

Videos on my PDA

One of the things that always zaps people at my talks about mobile computing is my demonstration of running full-length videos (movies, TV episodes, etc.) on my Palm TX PDA, without skipping, without stuttering audio, in a limited RAM environment, on a slow processor. And the most common question I get after my talks -”Can [...]