Posts filed under “Uncategorized”

Looking for Web designer

I am on the lookout for an individual or company that is experienced in creating effective *product* related websites. Note that I am not looking for backend developers. What I am looking for are people who understand product focus (and of course site usability), and who have experience in working with non-webdesigner clients – this [...]

Want to work on exciting stuff?

vote for Mundu Radio. Well, this is kinda late news, but hey – Mundu Radio won! The competition was awesome, and to be placed among winners such as Google and Yahoo is mind-boggling! When we created Mundu Radio last year, I didn’t quite realise just how ready the market was for something like this, but [...]

Surreal, but wow!

Of all the Live Earth performances yesterday, this must have been the most surreal one: Madonna, in what can only be termed a 1940s style of dress, with an expensive Les Paul guitar round her neck, rocking the planet. One could say this was a stunt (and it was), but I bow to the Queen [...]

So what does it feel like?

Try this: Take a plastic bag (the one you got on your recent shopping trip will do). Cover your nose and mouth with the opening of the bag, making sure that no air escapes from the sides. Start breathing normally. Keep doing it. Feel the air in the bag (and that you are now breathing) [...]

Designing apps for the iPhone

Apple has FINALLY released guidelines for designing webapps for the iPhone! Go here. Reads like a straight-forward how-to for mobile web applications – effectively what I have been “preaching” in my mobile computing talks.

The real iPhone impact

Today, the iPhone gets released. And while everyone is going overboard about the features, the glitz, the hype, etc., I see something else that most people seem to be missing: The iPhone is finally going to force people to write *real* mobile web-applications. Designed for a mobile interface, without sacrificing visual appeal, functionality or “whoa!”. [...]


Innovation isn’t about creating something new. Innovation is about creating something that makes people sit up and say “Whoa! I want that!”

Sysadmin heroes

Woke up earlier than usual today, and lay in bed reading mail and my feeds on BlogLines on my PDA. A long-time blog I have been following is that of the guy who got me into keeping an online diary in first place (I refuse to call it a blog) – Wil Wheaton – blogger [...]

While doing some research about CPUs….

I am in the market for a new motherboard for the RadioVeRVe studio machine, and was doing some research on CPU performance and reviews. And I ran into this. (Read the whole thing, right to the end). As Shreyas just put it: “The Internet is truly magical”.

The Voyage Home

Well, I am back in Bangalore, after a nerve-wracking trip back from Berlin. When I set out from Berlin, I was worried to death for a number of reasons: Due to the G8 meet in Berlin, security at the airports was reported to be unbelievably high. And I was worried because not only was my [...]