FOSS.IN/2009 Speaker registration closes Mon 26/Oct 23:59 IST

If you plan to be anything more than a delegate at FOSS.IN/2009, you better hurry – registrations close on Monday, October 26th, at 23:59 GMT+0530.

So if you want to be part of the largest and most important Free & Open Source Software event in this part of the world, and stand shoulder to shoulder with some of the biggest FOSS contributors and hackers in the world, then you need to head to

right now, read about the event and what is new this year (including my own take on things), then go to

and put in your proposal. If you have questions, feel free to ask on the mailing list or (if you are shy :P ) via the contact system.

The closure of the CFP will also signal the opening of delegate registration this week, as well as the Call for Sponsorship.

Team FOSS.IN will meet Monday night in Bangalore to start going through all the submissions, discuss plans and actions, and take decisions. You should start hearing the first few announcements by Tuesday.

So are you going to be sitting there on your hands, mutely watching the giants on stage, OR BE ONE OF THEM?

For those of you who haven’t yet realised it: this year the Indian FOSS community completes TEN YEARS of organising FOSS community-oriented events – the first one happened in 1999. I’ll be writing more about this over the next few days.